Local council


As the representative of citizens’ affairs, the local council is responsible for local political leadership, i.e. decision-making authority in all important matters.

As a result of the local elections on 26 May 2019, the body will have 18 seats, after the “fictitious partial local elections” were waived for the first time. 12 previously incumbent and six newly elected local councillors could be engaged on 24 July 2019 during the constituent meeting.

Mayor Dietmar Fischer has been chairman of the committee for over five years.

The municipal council is composed as follows:

Independent list 8, CDU 7, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen 3 seats

The municipal council has formed three decision-making committees, each with eight members, to discharge the council and to thoroughly discuss its decisions in advance. You can find more information about the municipal council under:

Service Center

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