
Bad Liebenzell is located in the Nagold valley between Pforzheim and Calw. The traditional spa and bathing resort dates back to 1091 when it was first documented.

History of Bad Liebenzell

Starting from the 15th century, Liebenzell has been praised for its healing springs in the spa literature. This led to the development of a rich bathing culture, which has been engulfed in a crisis from the middle of the 18th century onwards. However, two hundred years later the city fathers revived the old bathing tradition and promoted the spa and bathing culture.

At the beginning of the 1970s, the six high-altitude districts of Beinberg, Maisenbach-Zainen, Monakam, Möttlingen, Unterhaugstett and Unterlengenhardt were voluntarily incorporated as part of the administrative reform.

Even today Bad Liebenzell is still strongly influenced by the spa and tourism industry. Its role as a local recreation area for the Stuttgart and Böblingen area is becoming increasingly important.

Bad Liebenzell has invested a lot in the town, its districts and tourism in order to improve the infrastructure and the townscape. Schools, sports hall, kindergartens, community centre, village centres, multi-purpose and fire brigade buildings have been built and re-naturalisation work was carried out on the Nagold and Lengenbach rivers. The development of the town centre has made it possible to build senior citizens’ apartments, pedestrian zones and shops.

Numerous investments in tourism and infrastructure are in progress to improve the image and attractiveness of Bad Liebenzell as a tourist destination.

Service Center

Die Stadtverwaltung Bad Liebenzell ist auch persönlich für Sie da:


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