Open youth work an school social work in Bad Liebenzell

Bad Liebenzell’s Youth department is the single point of contact for all youth issues in Bad Liebenzell and its suburbs. Sonja Köppe and Franziska Schwemmle, employed by the district youth association of Calw, represent the town’s Youth department.

The responsibilities of the Youth Officers of the town are classified under three main fields of activity. These are open youth work, school social work and the town’s Youth department.

Open youth work

Since 2015, the Bad Liebenzell youth room has been located in the old caretaker’s house on the premises of the Reuchlin schools. The youth room is open every Wednesday and Friday for ALL young people between 10 – 16 years from 3 – 7 p.m.

The youth room “Möttlinger Penthouse”, opened in September 2012, offers young people between 10 – 16 years the opportunity to chill out every Monday between 4 – 8 p.m., listen to music, meet with friends, play games, bake and cook together and much more.

In order to build new youth rooms and extend the opening hours of the existing ones, new volunteers are always being recruited and they are accompanied by the existing ones.

In the youth meetings, but also outside these hours, in the office at the Reuchlin School, via Facebook, or by telephone, the town’s Youth department is there to advise and act as a contact for the young people. The young people find an open ear, receive tips and encouragement, and have a mediator at their side in the case of any risky situations.

School social work

At the Reuchlin schools, a cooperative atmosphere is very important, which is why the Youth department actively supports pupils at primary school, special school, secondary school and junior high school. The school social work acts as a single point of contact in case of conflicts, school and family problems and tries to solve problems together with the pupils through confidential conversations, clarify conflicts and further mediation whenever necessary.

Viewing them holistically, the best possibility for the pupils can be found together through the exchanges with teachers and parents. However, special care is taken not to forget that the child is the expert in his or her own matter, as it is only the child, who knows exactly where and what the difficulties are.

In addition, projects and training programmes are carried out at different class levels in order to promote social skills, prevent violence, racism, mobbing, addiction, etc., as well as to strengthen the community feeling in the class and to create experiences from trying and succeeding together.

The training of mediators, which is carried out in cooperation with the social workers from the special school is also very popular among the pupils.

Furthermore, the school social work is active in handing out games during the breaks, and providing advice on job applications and career questions, and on all topics with which pupils are confronted.

The Youth department

The town of Bad Liebenzell has a very active Youth Community Council, in which young people between 13 – 20 years of age actively discuss topics related to youth, get involved in politics and participate or organise actions and projects for children and young people.

The Youth department coordinates, supports and advises the Youth Community Council.

In addition, the Youth department plans, organises and carries out a holiday programme for children between 6 – 12 years of age, during the Easter and Whitsun breaks together with voluntary adults and young people.

In particular, the parents working situation parents is also taken into account, as early childcare is available from 7.30 am.

In principle, good cooperation with the clubs and associations, as well as with the municipal administrators and partners of the town is essential for finding out about possibilities for new areas of interest for youth in the suburbs and projects by and for young people.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Your contact

Sonja Köppe07052/
Karen-Johanna Mohr07052/

Service Center

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